Blaine Havens

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And to Write?

It has been almost a full year since I have last posted an article. Meanwhile, I have been slaving away at my career and things which have felt “more valuable” than taking the time to sit down, come up with an idea, write, edit, publish, and then be criticized for my work.

Some could argue that I have neglected to publish out of fear, or distraction, or exhaustion, but in any case, here I am. I have always been here, writing privately, with not much to say to the outside world. Meanwhile, my mind has been busy at work, dreaming about the future, and what it may entail.

You see, the amount of time it takes to actually throw one of these short articles together is no joke… I would argue that it takes a few hours each day, consistently, to work through my ideas, and prepare them to be shared with the world. As I am working long hours these days, it is tough to argue that writing is a worthwhile endeavor. However, the more successful I become in my career, the more that I realize a few things:

1. You will always be a slave, but in the United States, you can choose your master.

2. They call it work for a reason: no one in their right mind would do it if they weren’t being paid.

3. US culture prioritizes living a “Fake” life.

In the coming days, I hope to walk through each of these realizations one at a time, highlighting the implications for our country in the coming years. And while it may sound ridiculous, I have faith that there are others out there who understand and relate with these three points. Likely, it is the same group of people who are deeply moved by “Rich Men North of Richmond” by Oliver Anthony. And this group encompasses millions of Americans today, and millions more tomorrow.

As a young adult, American culture has always felt the same to me. But when I talk to people, or read headlines, or see polling averages, one thing feels certain: the US is in for a radical change within the next decade. Whether this change will be positive or not is up for debate, and likely up to the decisions that we, the people, make.

The level of division today is reaching a tipping point. How much more can our society take? If there is not a radical move toward unity sometime soon, we may no longer see one another as neighbors, but as enemies. In fact, it may already be too late.

And as we near closer and closer to the next presidential election, these tensions are rising exponentially. The two halves of the country are nearly at each other’s throats, and neither side genuinely wants to see a rematch of what we witnessed in 2020. Democrats are done with Biden, Republicans are done with Trump, and the tiny amount of independent voters are done with both. Why then is it that we are nearing closer and closer toward the same mistakes we made 3 years ago? Is it because we the people are too proud to admit that we are wrong? Or that we are too unwilling to compromise and negotiate with one another for the benefit of our country? Is it because we are a selfish people, that prioritizes only what benefits us, even if it as at the expense of someone else?

Although I am certainly not a conspiracy theorist, I almost wonder if there are individuals and/or organizations that benefit from a “Divided” States of America. Is it possible that there are billionaire elites who would rather see us divided than united? Is it possible that organizations can exploit the general population when we see our fellow neighbors as our enemies? I am not saying that I have all the answers, but it is a very intriguing idea to consider…

It is my sincere hope that the ideas I share, and questions I ask, cause people to wake up, maybe for the first time, to see that reality itself is far different from what appears on the surface. Perhaps through my words, others will find value in their neighbor, and drive our country back toward the “United” States that we once were, in the not-so-distant past.

Because I have hope that this is possible, I will continue to write, even in the face of criticism. For as painful as it been to see some comments and feedback in the past year, I will push forward. Why? Because a burden has been placed upon my soul to do so. Yes, I needed to take the last 11 months to grow and mature personally and professionally. And now it is time to write.

Sunday morning at Bob Evans: the most American place to have breakfast and write in peace.

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