Chapter 6: The Law of Growth

Artwork by Sarah Havens

“The great fact to be realized regarding Nature is that is it natural. We may pervert the order of Nature, but it will prevail in the long run, returning, as Horace says, by the back door even though we drive it out with a pitchfork; and the beginning, the middle, and the end of the law of Nature is the principle of growth from a vitality inherent in the entity itself.”

A small handful of us ever stop to consider the reasons why we are where we are. Of course we know this, to one degree or another, but very rarely do we understand this to the furthest degree. I believe that this next chapter in the Edinburgh Lectures addresses this issue head-on, by establishing a universal Law of Growth, which explains precisely where we are from, and directly where we’re going.

The immediate question one might ask is, “What is this Law of Growth?” To put it plainly, it is the reason why some companies fail and others succeed. It is the reason why some people are promoted more than others. It is the force behind compound interest. It is what allows us to grow up, live our lives, and retire after a successful career. The Law of Growth is all of these things.

But to what degree are we able influence this Law? It’s safe to assume that if we could all just wish anything into existence, then why would any of us choose not to do so? However, there is a fundamental distinction which must be made.

Choosing to abide by the Law of Growth does not mean that we can force growth into existence. Rather, it means we offer ourselves as a sacrifice for a better version of whatever we are after. Growth requires sacrifice, not the use of power.

Toward reinforces this idea by saying, “The variable factor is, not the laws but our own volition; and it is by combining this variable factor with the invariable one that we can produce the various results we desire.” By our own volition, we must be willing to sacrifice and seek improvement. Without this, the Law of Growth will never manifest itself in our lives.

It consequently means that sacrifice is at the core of what gives the Law of Growth its amazing force. When we sacrifice our time, energy, and livelihood for the right things, it becomes obvious just how much growth is able to occur. Only when we are vulnerable with a close companion are we able to strengthen that friendship. Only when we leave our old job behind us can we pursue something better. Only when we choose to save our money does it accrue interest. Only when we work hard do we succeed. All of this is because of this Law of Growth.

“…therefore if we once recognize the power of through to produce any result at all, we shall see that the law by which negative thought produces negative results is the same by which positive thoughts produces positive results.”

Henry Ford once echoed this same idea when he said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” He understood the importance of this universal Laws of Growth. He understood that if we fixate on failures, we shall fail over and over again, but he also understood that if we are able to succeed, other successes are sure to follow. In many cases, our mindset is the only thing separation guy from our goals and achievements.

Troward closes this chapter by saying, “We must therefore regard our mental creations as spiritual realities and then implicitly trust the Laws of Growth to do the rest.”


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Chapters 4 and 5: The Subjective and Objective Mind